– Association with penal demanded under Section 73 of the Act for the financial years ending 31st March 2018, 2019 and 2020 interest and penalty to be waived on the demand notices.
– Available only for situations where taxpayer completes the payment of a certain type of tax in full before the end of March in 2025.
– The time limit to claim ITC under Section 16(4) for FYs upto March 2021 will be the invoices thereafter has been provided up to November 30, 2021.
– For appellate authority at the Tribunals, the monetary limit is ₹20 lakh; for High Court, ₹1 crore; and Supreme Court, ₹2 crore.
– The value of pre-deposit for filing of appeal before the Appellate Authority for both CGST and SGST up to a maximum of ₹ 20 crores up from ₹ 25 crores.
– In regard to the pre-deposit for appeals before the Tribunals the provision is made to limit to 20 percent with an upper limit of ₹ 20 Crore for each CGST and SGST.
– The law will be altered so as to state the time frame for filing appeals to tribunals starting from the day that the government make known to the public.
– One of the changes is providing additional time to file GSTR-4 which is until June 30 of the year.
– There will be no interest to be levied on the balance amount available in the cash ledgers during the completion of GSTR-3B.
– Introduction of the new forms such as Form GSTR-1A prior to filing Form GSTR-1 to enable correction before filing Form GSTR-3B.
– Phased Roll out of Aadhaar Authentication through Biometric based System across the country.
– Statements released on various topics, among which Revenue Authorities explains that specific items attract a 12% tax.
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