Indian Government has recently introduced the facility to Download the GSTR-2A in Excel Based file, To Download the same you need to follow the following steps:-
1.Login at
2. Enter your GST username and Password and than click the Return dashboard.
3. On Return Dashboard -Select your Financial year and Month for which GSTR-2A Require.
4. After open second column in First row -Auto drafted details(For View Only) GSTR-2A- click on download.
5. You will find the option of -Generate Excel file to Download.
6. Clicking on the same -You will get the message for file Generation after 20 Minutes.After Such time you will get your file.
7. Few things should be keep in mind -To compare the GSTR-2A with your GST ITC -In Excel based GSTR-2A File You may get the Assesses Detail by their Name on pan no. , this detail may be differ with your GST purchase bill (as it could be Different name in case of Proprietorship) ..In such case you can check your bill according to other content like GST No., Bill no. , Invoice amount etc.
For video based knowledge on that matter you may click on the below link:-
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