How To Get Startup License | Semantic Taxgen (OPC) Pvt. Ltd.


How to get startup license

June 08, 2019

Under the Startup India Action Plan, startups that meet the definition as prescribed under the G.S.R. notification 501 (E) are eligible to apply for recognition under the program. The Startups have to provide support documents, at the time of application.

Eligibility Criteria for Startup Recognition:

  1. The Startup should be incorporated as a private limited company or registered as a partnership firm or a limited liability partnership
  • An entity shall be considered as a startup up to 10 years from the date of its incorporation.
  • Turnover should be less than INR 100 Crores in any of the previous financial years

An entity shall be considered as a startup up to 10 years from the date of its incorporation.

  • The Startup should be working towards innovation/ improvement of existing products, services and processes and should have the potential to generate employment/ create wealth.
  • An entity formed by splitting up or reconstruction of an existing business shall not be considered a “Startup”

To understand more you may refer our video :-

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