QRMP SCHEME UNDER GST | Semantic Taxgen (OPC) Pvt. Ltd.



January 30, 2021

QRMP Scheme means quarterly return monthly payment scheme – under such scheme Monthly payment need to be done through PMT-06 and return can be filed Quarterly.

Quarterly Gstr 3b can be filed by the person whose preceding year turnover was below Rs. 5 Crores or if in this year is already crossed Rs. 5 Crore it shall not be eligible.

Person who selected the frequency quarterly may furnish the invoice through invoice furnishing facility before 11th of the month to provide the credit to other person.

This is optional facility only Assessee may submit the bill monthly through invocie furnishing facility only or may submit all bill quarterly in GSTR 1.

As we earlier mentioned payment need to be done only monthly and same can be discharged by any one method:-

Self assesseement Method:- This method is the same as we follows with the introdcution of GST, under this we have to calculate our monthly sales tax by way of availing purchase ITC and deposit the same in PMT-06 before 25th of next month.


Fixed Sum method:-

Fixed Sum Method (FSM):

The taxpayer must pay an amount of tax mentioned in a pre-filled challan in the form GST PMT-06 for an amount equal to 35% of the tax paid in cash.

S NoType of TaxpayerTax to be paid
1Who furnished GSTR-3B quarterly for the last quarter35% of tax paid in cash in the preceding quarter
2Who furnished GSTR-3B monthly during the last quarter100% of tax paid in cash in the last month of the immediately preceding quarter

Example for understanding FSM:

Scenario 1: If GSTR-3B for January 2021 to March 2021 was filed on a quarterly basis

Tax paid in cash during Jan’21 – Mar’21 quarter Tax required to be paid in each of Apr’21 and May’21
CGST20,000 CGST7,000
SGST20,000 SGST7,000
IGST40,000 IGST14,000
Cess6,000 Cess2100

Scenario 2: If GSTR-3 was filed on a monthly basis during the quarter of January 2021 to March 2021

Tax paid in cash during Mar’21 Tax required to be paid in each of Apr’21 and May’21
CGST6,000 CGST6,000
SGST6,000 SGST6,000
IGST10,000 IGST10,000
Cess2,000 Cess2,000

For any query please mail to sanjeev@semantictaxgen.in

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