OSP LICENSE | Semantic Taxgen Pvt Ltd



You call it to call center, but the experts call it OSP: the Other Services Provider. OSPs are businesses that use telecom resources to provide services such as BPO, LPO, KPO, RPO, Tele-education, Tele-banking, networking and others. These telecom Licenses in India are also provided by Department of telecommunication. It is to ensure that the telecom resources aren’t misused.

The types of OSPs are as follows:

  1. Domestic OSPs: They are country-bound OSPs.
  2. International OSPs: They are unbound licenses that can operate across international borders.

OSP License is location bound, which means that you have to get one OSP License per location if you have multiple call centers.

Following Services needs the OSP license in india:-


This kind of service is provided by a bank to its customers wherein, the customer is able to carry transactions without visiting the bank branch and in a paperless environment.

Tele Education

This module is used effectively to impart education in remote areas with the aid of telecommunication equipment to the people from a remote location.

Tele Commerce

The products or services are directly marketed by the seller to the customers with the use of telecom medium. This includes sales through TV programmes.

Call Center

All call centers refers to companies handling very large volume of calls for the commercial purpose. It also includes all kinds of BPO and KPO Services.

Network operation center

These centers are usually established by Internet Service Providers to monitor and control the network traffic in a specific area.

What are the regular compliance after grant of DOT OSP License?

The company which has been granted the DOT OSP License is required to file annual status return mentioning the activities undertaken during the previous year and the present status. This return is necessary for the purpose of keeping the OSP License valid.

What is the validity of DOT OSP License in India.?

The DOT OSP License is valid for the period for which it has been issued, the period of validity is mentioned on the license itself. Generally the DOT OSP License is issued with a validity of 20 years, however to keep it valid the company must file annual status return

Is the DOT OSP License is location specific?

The DOT OSP License is Location Specific, for every license a separate OSP License is required. After grant of the first license you can apply for another location as well.

Is the DOT OSP License transferable?

No as per telecom policy the DOT OSP License issued to one company is not transferable to any other company.

What is the due date of annual return for the DOT OSP License holder?

The annual return by the company who has been issued a License is to be filed within 6 months from the end of the relevant financial year.

What happens if the annual return is not filed with regard to DOP OSP License?

If the annual return is not filed by the OSP then the company is put in the dormant list of OSP and the license is cancelled after waiting for a period of two years.

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