You call it to call center, but the experts call it OSP: the Other Services Provider. OSPs are businesses that use telecom resources to provide services such as BPO, LPO, KPO, RPO, Tele-education, Tele-banking, networking and others. These telecom Licenses in India are also provided by Department of telecommunication. It is to ensure that the telecom resources […]
Read MoreVIRTUAL NETWORK OPREATOR IN INDIA- VNO LICENSE Virtual Network Operator: ISP license need some initial capital for the various things like setup cost, Bank guarantee and material cost as well , if a person has no experience in this field may choose VNO license instead of ISP as it is cheaper option and also allow […]
Read MoreInternet service provider (ISP) License In India An Internet service provider (ISP) is a company engaged in internet access, internet data services to their Customer .Such Data is provided through various technologies, dial-up, DSL, cable modem, wireless or high-speed interconnectors. Choose a Company :- A company registered in India under the Companies Act, 1956/2013 will be eligible […]
Read MoreReliance has agreed to acquire the Business of Future retail Limited as slump sale consideration with Rs. 24713 Crore. This deal , will also includes the wholesale, logistics and warehousing business of the Future Group, which gives a new position in the market to Billionaire Mr. Mukesh Ambani as a ‘Retail King” of india. Lets […]
Read MoreTax exemption u/s 80iac-Exclusive deduction of Income of Startup A. Benefits: Tax Holiday for 3 consecutive financial years out of its first ten years since incorporation Refer to the following notification for more details: B. Eligibility The entity should be a recognized Startup Only private limited or Limited Liability partnership is eligible for Tax exemption under […]
Read MoreBENEFITS OF REGISRATION UNDER STARTUP 1. SELF CERTIFCATION UNDER VARIOUS LABOUR LAWS A. Objective To reduce the regulatory burden on Startups, thereby allowing them to focus on their core business and keep compliance costs low. B. Benefits Startups shall be allowed to be self-certify compliance for 6 Labour Laws and 3 Environmental Laws through […]
Read MoreUnder the Startup India Action Plan, startups that meet the definition as prescribed under the G.S.R. notification 501 (E) are eligible to apply for recognition under the program. The Startups have to provide support documents, at the time of application. Eligibility Criteria for Startup Recognition: The Startup should be incorporated as a private limited company […]
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